The News is out! We invite you to participate in the 148th edition of the Schoharie County Sunshine Fair, to be held Tuesday, August 5th through Sunday, August 10th, 2025. The fairgrounds will open each day at 9 a.m., with the midway opening at noon and closing at 11 p,m,, except Tuesday when it will open at 4pm. Commercial buildings open from 11:00 am until 10:00 pm. No discount for multiple booths. Our Grandstand entertainment will once again feature all of the popular motorized events and harness racing. Several specialty acts and music shows are in the process of being booked along with our grounds attractions.
ClickHere to download the prospective vendor application.
Once again we are looking forward to you joining us for the 148th edition of the Schoharie County Sunshine Fair. Sincerely, Doug Cater President and Concession Manager